The Purpose Of Relationship: God And Man

“Give your life to God; he can do more with it than you can!” – Dwight L. Moody What does it mean to have a relationship with God? How are we to live in relationship with God and people? When it comes to Christianity today, there are many young people who’ve abandoned the church either …

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An Eternal Perspective: Enduring The Cross

“The culture doesn’t dictate truth. The Gospel dictates truth.” – Voddie Baucham How are we to endure when faced with trials? How does having an eternal perspective change our focus on our life and endure trials? When it comes to Christians today, many I believe especially in the U.S. have lost their fire. Their fire …

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What Does It Mean to Live By Faith?

“In Galatians, Paul reminds us that faithfulness is part of the fruit that comes as a gift from God’s Spirit. We don’t foster it on our own. It is cultivated in us through the work of the Spirit, therefore we can only become Christ-like and possess the characteristics Paul describes through God’s sovereign grace.” – …

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Beauty for Ashes: God’s Mercy in the Face of Humanity’s Depravity

Here’s a message I pray touches you and reminds you of your worth in the eyes of our Heavenly Father: You may be lost, but you are not broken. In today’s society and culture where young children are being taught that it’s okay to be “their authentic selves” or that it’s just “their truth” we …

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Brethren, Are We Crafting Idols in our Hearts?

Are we going through the motions in our relationship with God? Has our worship turned into a form of idolatry?   “Idols aren’t just images and statues made of stone and wood. Sometimes the worst forms of idols are the ones in our hearts; where we believe that we are right with God, but to …

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