Why Our Sin Keeps Us from Our Relationship with God

“Sin is a virus. One that infects the whole body, keeping us from being whole in Christ. But when we repent of our sin and walk according to the Holy Spirit and God’s Word, sin no longer has power over us.” “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal …

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The Dangers of Indulging Sin

What is sin, and why is it so dangerous? Why is sin so seductive to us as human beings? Why does Christ and later the Apostles call us to turn away from sin? Sin throughout the Bible and after has been at the core of humanity’s deadliest problems and impulses. Even in the 21st century, …

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Remain Rooted in God’s Word – Godly Wisdom (Pt. 4)

How are we to remain rooted in God’s Word in a society and culture that’s against God? What does it even mean to remain rooted in God’s Word? “When we cling fast to God’s Wisdom, His word, and His Holy Spirit, and allow Him to direct our steps, we’re able to remain rooted in Him. …

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Folly of Lacking Wisdom – Godly Wisdom (Pt. 3)

What are the dangers of lacking Godly wisdom? Why do we as Christians lack Godly wisdom? “Wisdom leads down the path of life, but if one hears and listens to the flattery of the immoral woman, they will be lead to death.” In Monday’s article, I discussed heeding the instructions of both our earthly parents …

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