The Day Of The Lord Is At Hand

As Christians, how are we to understand the Day of the Lord? How are we to see the Day of the Lord in light of present-day circumstances? The Day of the Lord is a topic that many Christians have at least a passing knowledge of in relation to the Old Testament, but for us under …

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A Father’s Love: Shepherding His Children

What does it say about God that He not just shepherds us but disciplines us through His word, through mentors and family or through His Holy Spirit? How should God’s love for us be reflected in our relationship with those around us? A.W. Tozer, author and pastor made this quote about God disciplining us: “God …

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“That You May Live”: The Hope Of Jesus Christ

Throughout the Old Testament, we see where God Himself or through His prophets and priests foretell the Coming Messiah, the One who would save the nation of Israel from their sins, but also be given “as a light to the Gentiles” (Isaiah 49:1-13.) Israel’s covenantal relationship with God as we see in the Old Testament …

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An Eternal Perspective: Enduring The Cross

“The culture doesn’t dictate truth. The Gospel dictates truth.” – Voddie Baucham How are we to endure when faced with trials? How does having an eternal perspective change our focus on our life and endure trials? When it comes to Christians today, many I believe especially in the U.S. have lost their fire. Their fire …

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What Does It Mean to Live By Faith?

“In Galatians, Paul reminds us that faithfulness is part of the fruit that comes as a gift from God’s Spirit. We don’t foster it on our own. It is cultivated in us through the work of the Spirit, therefore we can only become Christ-like and possess the characteristics Paul describes through God’s sovereign grace.” – …

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