Are We For God or Are We For The Adversary?

Since the beginning of 2023, my church and I have been reading through the New Testament and it’s amazing what God continues to teach me each time I return to any of the books. However, throughout the New Testament, there’s been one theme I’ve noticed particularly in the letters of Paul to the churches of …

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Beauty for Ashes: God’s Mercy in the Face of Humanity’s Depravity

Here’s a message I pray touches you and reminds you of your worth in the eyes of our Heavenly Father: You may be lost, but you are not broken. In today’s society and culture where young children are being taught that it’s okay to be “their authentic selves” or that it’s just “their truth” we …

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Why God’s Justice is Necessary to our Relationship with Him?

Why should Church leaders speak about God’s justice? What does God’s justice say about Himself and our relationship with Him? What does God’s justice say about His love and mercy? “The vague and tenuous hope that God is too kind to punish the ungodly has become a deadly opiate for the consciences of millions.” – …

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Matters of the Heart – Faithful Living (Pt. 2)

Why is the heart deceitful? How are we to live faithfully to God’s Word if our hearts are far from God? “In order to live faithfully to God and His Word, we have to first humble our hearts to the Lord. Our hearts can often keep us from living faithfully.” What did the prophet Jeremiah …

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Trusting What We Can’t See – Faithful Living (Pt. 1)

“Faithful living is learning to not just say “No” to the world and the evil it partakes in, but to also speak boldly about its wickedness; calling them to repentance to God.” How are we to live faithfully to God in a world that’s against Him? What does it mean to have faith in God? …

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