Aren’t Our Bodies Temples for the Holy Spirit?

“The temple of God was God’s house. It was where His spirit resided while in Jerusalem in the midst of His people. Now, God’s Holy Spirit resides within all those who are born again and have a relationship with Jesus Christ; thus it’s our duty to maintain the upkeep of the temple which is our …

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The Purpose of Sacrifice: Surrendering Our Life to God

What does it mean to sacrifice? Are we reflecting on the life we lived and see God’s goodness and mercy? Are we living or have lived in enmity with God? What does it mean to surrender our life to God? “We live in a day and age characterized by impatience and the demand for instant …

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Why Should Christians Read the Old Testament?

Why is the Old Testament important to our understanding of the whole Bible? How does the Old Testament point towards Jesus Christ? How are we as Christians to read the Old Testament in light of Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection? When it comes to the Old Testament, what comes to mind for many of us …

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Why Our Sin Keeps Us from Our Relationship with God

“Sin is a virus. One that infects the whole body, keeping us from being whole in Christ. But when we repent of our sin and walk according to the Holy Spirit and God’s Word, sin no longer has power over us.” “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal …

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