The Purpose Of Relationship: God And Man

“Give your life to God; he can do more with it than you can!” – Dwight L. Moody What does it mean to have a relationship with God? How are we to live in relationship with God and people? When it comes to Christianity today, there are many young people who’ve abandoned the church either …

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“That You May Live”: The Hope Of Jesus Christ

Throughout the Old Testament, we see where God Himself or through His prophets and priests foretell the Coming Messiah, the One who would save the nation of Israel from their sins, but also be given “as a light to the Gentiles” (Isaiah 49:1-13.) Israel’s covenantal relationship with God as we see in the Old Testament …

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An Eternal Perspective: Enduring The Cross

“The culture doesn’t dictate truth. The Gospel dictates truth.” – Voddie Baucham How are we to endure when faced with trials? How does having an eternal perspective change our focus on our life and endure trials? When it comes to Christians today, many I believe especially in the U.S. have lost their fire. Their fire …

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Are We For God or Are We For The Adversary?

Since the beginning of 2023, my church and I have been reading through the New Testament and it’s amazing what God continues to teach me each time I return to any of the books. However, throughout the New Testament, there’s been one theme I’ve noticed particularly in the letters of Paul to the churches of …

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What is Your Testimony?

Testimony. It’s a word and concept that many who either grew up in Christian households or churches or became born-again have heard of, but have we taken the time to understand the Biblical principle of a testimony? What it means for one’s life and words to be a testimony for all to see? While this …

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