Aren’t Our Bodies Temples for the Holy Spirit?

“The temple of God was God’s house. It was where His spirit resided while in Jerusalem in the midst of His people. Now, God’s Holy Spirit resides within all those who are born again and have a relationship with Jesus Christ; thus it’s our duty to maintain the upkeep of the temple which is our …

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Wayward Children, Come Home!

“Wayward children often find themselves lost like sheep without a shepherd. However, we have the Good Shepherd who seeks out the one who is lost and brings them home.” Why do so many turn to idols and wickedness? Why do we believe that we are unworthy of God’s grace and mercy? Don’t you know that …

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Back to Basics: Foundations of a Faith

What is the foundation for our faith? What is the purpose of God’s word in our everyday lives? What does the foundation of our faith say about us? Why does Christ need to be the foundation of our faith?   “He who hears the word and does it is secure because he digs deep and …

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Bondage to Sin, Freedom in Christ

“The longer we continue to indulge our spiritual strongholds instead of submitting them and ourselves to God’s authority, and the longer we continue to fight them in our own strength, the longer it’ll take for us to overcome them.” Why is it hard for us Christians to find freedom in Christ? How do we overcome …

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The Purpose of Sacrifice: Surrendering Our Life to God

What does it mean to sacrifice? Are we reflecting on the life we lived and see God’s goodness and mercy? Are we living or have lived in enmity with God? What does it mean to surrender our life to God? “We live in a day and age characterized by impatience and the demand for instant …

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