The Purpose Of Relationship: God And Man

“Give your life to God; he can do more with it than you can!” – Dwight L. Moody What does it mean to have a relationship with God? How are we to live in relationship with God and people? When it comes to Christianity today, there are many young people who’ve abandoned the church either …

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A Father’s Love: Shepherding His Children

What does it say about God that He not just shepherds us but disciplines us through His word, through mentors and family or through His Holy Spirit? How should God’s love for us be reflected in our relationship with those around us? A.W. Tozer, author and pastor made this quote about God disciplining us: “God …

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What Does It Mean to Live By Faith?

“In Galatians, Paul reminds us that faithfulness is part of the fruit that comes as a gift from God’s Spirit. We don’t foster it on our own. It is cultivated in us through the work of the Spirit, therefore we can only become Christ-like and possess the characteristics Paul describes through God’s sovereign grace.” – …

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The Power in Adversity: Leaning on the Lord

Why do we run from adversity? Why is it hard for us to lean on the Lord during seasons of adversity? What is God trying to do in us or show us in our periods of adversity? “A high character might be produced, I suppose, by continued prosperity, but it has very seldom been the …

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Back to Basics: Foundations of a Faith

What is the foundation for our faith? What is the purpose of God’s word in our everyday lives? What does the foundation of our faith say about us? Why does Christ need to be the foundation of our faith?   “He who hears the word and does it is secure because he digs deep and …

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